Our belief

At Activity Kidz, we believe in the power of exploration and play to shape young minds.

In today's world, where screens often compete for children's attention, we're passionate about providing enriching, real-world experiences that foster creativity, learning, and joy. We understand the challenges parents face in finding high-quality, age-appropriate activities that truly benefit their children's development.

Our Story

As parents ourselves, we know the struggle of juggling busy schedules while trying to provide our children with enriching experiences. The constant search for the latest events and activities, scattered across countless platforms, left us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. We yearned for a simpler way to discover and book meaningful activities, so we could spend less time planning and more time creating lasting memories with our kids.

That's why we created Activity Kidz - a platform dedicated to empowering parents and freeing up their time, so they can focus on what truly matters: connecting with their children.

  • Suraj Kedia

    Suraj's strong business acumen and technical skills stem from his MBA from IIM Calcutta and B.Tech from NIT Surat. His 14+ years of experience across diverse sectors, including Foodtech, Fintech, Auto, and Business Advisory, have sharpened his strategic and execution capabilities.

  • Chitra Murmuria

    Chitra brings essential financial and operational expertise to Activity Kidz. Her ~10 years of experience in finance, accounting, and operations provide a solid foundation for managing the company's fiscal health and ensuring smooth day-to-day functioning.