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デューク乗馬クラブ | ヘリテージ インターナショナル エクスペリエンス スクールの近く Get 10% Off

デューク乗馬クラブ | ヘリテージ インターナショナル エクスペリエンス スクールの近く

Pony Ride

ヘリテージ インターナショナル エクスペリエンス スクールの近く、バロラ、グルルグラム

火曜〜日曜 午前5時〜午後9時

年齢層: 2~15歳

About Duke Horse Riding Club



60 分 | 火曜 - 日曜

899.00 1,000.00 10% OFF


90 分 | 火曜 - 日曜

2,299.00 2,500.00 10% OFF


通常価格 Rs. 899.00
セール価格 Rs. 899 通常価格 Rs. 1,000
10% OFF 売り切れ

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I get booking confirmation?

After your payment, you will receive booking confirmation over an email as well as a WhatsApp msg - similar to BookMyShow. You can show any of these to gain entry at the venue.

Can I reschedule my booking?

Yes, you can reschedule your booking any number of times even after your original booking date is past. Please drop us a message over WhatsApp at 9354346834 for the same.

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

You can cancel your booking anytime and we will process full refund. You can visit "My Accounts" section on our website or drop us a msg over WhatsApp on 9354346834 to process the same.

If you haven't visited, you won't be charged. For example, if you booked and couldn't visit, you can come back later to cancel or reschedule. We will still process a 100% refund.

Connect with Duke Horse Riding Club

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